Kia ora – Welcome to What Works!
This site helps the people who make Aotearoa New Zealand a better place – especially smaller community groups who can struggle to show the value of their work.
It aims to help people gather robust data and information to tell a real story about what they are doing and the difference it makes.
If you need to reflect on your work, demonstrate its effectiveness and keep improving your practice, this site is for you.
WEBINAR: How to Amaze your Funders
A webinar presented by Kate McKegg and Rachel Trotman

If you don’t know where to begin, watch the video and then take our tour. Each page will link you to the next, just follow the finger icons. Or if you know what you need, click on the links below (or in the menu above).
We recommend you take some time to have a good look around. Click on the button below to get started.
THINK PIECE: It sounds good but be warned…
Kate Frykberg presents fishhooks in funding based on outcomes.

What is Evaluation?
Build a
Strong Foundation

Kaupapa Māori
Principles of a Kaupapa
Māori framework

Basic Steps
Evaluation Steps

Tools & Approaches Matrix
Search our Matrix
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NZ Case Studies
Explore how local NGOs
measure their success

Aotearoa Resources
Helpful links to
templates & guides