Typical Evaluation

Basic steps for a typical evaluation

Traditional evaluation of a project, programme or service includes these basic steps.

See also information on these pages:

STEPS TO DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT AN EVALUATION                                                       DESCRIPTION
Assemble the team Plan and undertake an evaluation as a team and involve the right people to ensure relevance and ownership of results. The right people may include staff, clients, community members, for example.
Establish Purpose Identify purpose, evaluative questions and potentially your theory of change or logic model.
Decide the type/s of evaluation you need Consider what type/s of evaluation you need, given your purpose.
Develop an evaluation plan Create your evaluation plan.
Collect data Collect the data and prepare it for analysis.
Analyse data and make assessments Examine the data and draw conclusions from it.
Write up findings Write your evaluation report, see for example Presenting Results in
Report and share findings Present your findings in appropriate formats. Present your findings in appropriate formats. See our Use and Share pages for detailed information.

If you are going to use Developmental Evaluation or build evaluative thinking and processes into your organisation, you will need to take different steps.


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