NZ Examples, Links & Resources

Local Resources

In Aotearoa New Zealand, online resources to support the building of evidence and evaluation are growing significantly. This section presents a few of the main resources. It gives a brief description of each.

Search the Community Research online directory of researchers to find a local, skilled researcher who works with iwi and communities. 

Key Resources

Social Value

This is another membership organisation that you can join and it’s linked to an international social value site.  It concentrates on ways to account for social value, including social return on investment.

Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation Association

(ANZEA) promotes sound evaluation practice and theory and is a membership organisation that you can join. ANZEA has an annual conference and provides resources, news and events on its site.

datasets online

A directory of publicly-available, non-personal datasets.

This site does not hold data, but instead links to datasets held on other government websites.

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) is New Zealand’s Māori Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE) funded by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and hosted by The University of Auckland.

Social change toolkit for community projects

Managed and funded by the Think Differently campaign team, this site supports community projects aimed at social change. It includes a range of tips and links for evaluations.

Mā te Rae

Mā te Rae is the Māori Evaluation Association.  Their first conference was held in 2018. The organization provides a valuable network of support and professional development for Māori working in evaluation.

The Hub 

A hub for government funded New Zealand social research.  It contains useful research evidence, including evaluation results.

Whānau Ora Research

Another ‘sister site’ to What Works, it gathers research about Whānau Ora, communities and whānau. It shares it with a broader audience, creates a hub for researchers, iwi and community organisations to share their ideas, and advocate good practice in community research.

Community Research

A ‘sister site’ to What Works, this is a place to find community research and researchers.

New research and evaluation can be uploaded and shared.

Evaluating community development

Community Waitakere worked with Innovate Change to support the community sector to undertake thorough evaluation. Funded by the Lotteries Community Sector Research Fund, the resources provide community development evaluation methods, social wellbeing measures and case studies of evaluation frameworks for community development organisations.


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